We have seen all sorts of things over the years. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your space.
- Fill containers to capacity. Half full containers can collapse.
- Heavy items like books or tools should be packed in small boxes.
- Protect your fragile goods with bubble wrap and don’t place other boxes onto of them.
- Cover your furniture with plastic dust covers, sheets, or cotton cloth.
- Wax wood furniture before storing it.
- Use sheets or cotton cloth to cover furniture
Sofas, mattresses, and beds. - Cover end of mattresses and place on the floor.
- Disassemble beds.
- Sofa or pullout beds should not be stored on their sides.
- Disassemble tables / shelves and wrap and mark all pieces for easier re-assembly.
- For Small tables cover top and place on floor with legs facing upwards.
- Most lightweight chairs can be stacked “seat to seat” or placed upside down on any tables which cannot be disassembled.
- Use dresser tops for stacking cartons
- Maximize storage space by storing miscellaneous items in dresser drawers.
- Wrap mirrors and pictures with paper pads, cardboard, or mirror boxes. Label the items and mark them as “FRAGILE.”
- Mirrors, windows, screens, and other flat items should be stored on their sides, never flat.
- Mirrors and pictures should be placed back to back. Between the faces of each pair of pictures place cardboard or thick textile to avoid having the frames touch each other.
- Label your boxes on several sides for easy locating.
- Prepare a list of the labeled boxes for easy reference when you need to locate your goods.
- Leave the door slightly ajar on fridges and freezers.
- Use valuable storage space inside appliances for other items.
- Ensure the Fridge and/or freezer is clean and dry.
- Ensure vacuum cleaners are empty.
- Ensure washing machines have been fully drained and the tub is prevented from moving.
- Leave air space around the perimeter to aid ventilation.
- Don’t lean items against the walls.
- Leave a walkway to the rear of your space for easy access.
- Leave a centre aisle for easy access to all items.
- Use all the space available, including height. But watch out for the sprinkler overhead!
- Place frequently used goods near the door.
- You can store petrol powered tools.
- However, you must drain all fuel from these items before storing them.